
Você deseja mudar de vida e ter seu próprio negócio, mas ainda não sabe como começar? O Curso de Python Selenium para Manipular o Whatsapp Usando Inteligência Artificial do Chatgpt pode ser a solução que você precisa, para alcançar seus sonhos!

Esse curso foi desenvolvido para ensinar como criar um serviço para utilizar o Whatsapp como meio de comunicação, usando Inteligência Artificial do Chatgpt. Além disso, também aprenderá a utilizar o Whatsapp para realizar vendas, no marketing digital, ou mesmo para auxiliar no atendimento de usuários, como em uma pousada.

Ao adquirir esse curso, você terá a oportunidade de aprender todas as técnicas e ferramentas necessárias para o desenvolvimento de um serviço de comunicação eficiente e de qualidade. Aprenderá como criar a plataforma de inteligência artificial, como aplicar o Python Selenium para manipular o Whatsapp e como usar a ferramenta para vender ou alugar seu serviço.

Além disso, com o curso, você também aprenderá sobre os benefícios que terá ao desenvolver seu próprio negócio. Terá a oportunidade de controlar o que faz, como trabalha e quando trabalha. Terá a liberdade de decidir onde investir seu tempo e dinheiro, e terá a possibilidade de conseguir bons resultados, ao aplicar as técnicas e ferramentas aprendidas no curso.

Portanto, adquira já o Curso de Python Selenium para Manipular o Whatsapp Usando Inteligência Artificial do Chatgpt e comece a realizar seus sonhos! Com esse curso, você terá acesso a todas as ferramentas e técnicas necessárias para criar um serviço de qualidade para o Whatsapp, e terá a possibilidade de ganhar dinheiro e mudar de


Você deseja mudar de vida e ter seu próprio negócio, mas ainda não sabe como começar? O Curso de Python Selenium para Manipular o Whatsapp Usando Inteligência Artificial do Chatgpt pode ser a solução que você precisa, para alcançar seus sonhos!

Esse curso foi desenvolvido para ensinar como criar um serviço para utilizar o Whatsapp como meio de comunicação, usando Inteligência Artificial do Chatgpt. Além disso, também aprenderá a utilizar o Whatsapp para realizar vendas, no marketing digital, ou mesmo para auxiliar no atendimento de usuários, como em uma pousada.

Ao adquirir esse curso, você terá a oportunidade de aprender todas as técnicas e ferramentas necessárias para o desenvolvimento de um serviço de comunicação eficiente e de qualidade. Aprenderá como criar a plataforma de inteligência artificial, como aplicar o Python Selenium para manipular o Whatsapp e como usar a ferramenta para vender ou alugar seu serviço.

Além disso, com o curso, você também aprenderá sobre os benefícios que terá ao desenvolver seu próprio negócio. Terá a oportunidade de controlar o que faz, como trabalha e quando trabalha. Terá a liberdade de decidir onde investir seu tempo e dinheiro, e terá a possibilidade de conseguir bons resultados, ao aplicar as técnicas e ferramentas aprendidas no curso.

Portanto, adquira já o Curso de Python Selenium para Manipular o Whatsapp Usando Inteligência Artificial do Chatgpt e comece a realizar seus sonhos! Com esse curso, você terá acesso a todas as ferramentas e técnicas necessárias para criar um serviço de qualidade para o Whatsapp, e terá a possibilidade de ganhar dinheiro e mudar de


This course is designed to help beginners master the fundamentals of Python programming. You will learn the basics of coding, and move on to advanced topics, while building practical examples along the way.

You will learn the core concepts of Python coding with the ChatGPT Open AI tool to write and implement real-world source code examples and build your own applications and python projects.

Start Learning "Master in Python Language Quickly Using the ChatGPT Open AI"

Throughout the course, you will work with real-world examples, including working with data types, control statements, and building an interactive inheritance program. The course covers the most important Python coding steps, such as Basic, Object Oriented Programming, and Games, to help you process, and analyze coding.

By the end of the course, you will have a solid understanding of Python programming and be able to build your own applications with confidence.

Key topics covered in the course include:

Introduction to ChatGPT Open AI chatbot tool and its usage

Introduction to Python and its syntax

Variables, data types, and control structures

Functions, and modules

Data validations and try catch coding

Solid understanding of Object Oriented Programming

Building inheritance and polymorphism concepts

Creating Encapsulation module code

This course is perfect for anyone who wants to learn Python, including those with no prior programming experience. Whether you're a student, data analyst, or software developer, this course will help you gain a strong foundation in Python programming.

By the end of this course, you will be fluent in Python course and ready to work with any python application you can dream of.

        Sign up today, and look forward to:

        HD Video Lectures

        Python Challenges and Exercises

        Lovely real-world dynamic examples

About Your Instructor

Sekhar Metla is a software engineer with 20+ years of professional experience. He is the author of several online-selling courses with more than 40,000+ students in many countries. He has a Master of Science in Computer Applications in Software Engineering. His students describe him as passionate, pragmatic, and motivational in his teaching.

Enroll now to join the world of Python programming and start building your own applications today!


This course is designed to help beginners master the fundamentals of Python programming. You will learn the basics of coding, and move on to advanced topics, while building practical examples along the way.

You will learn the core concepts of Python coding with the ChatGPT Open AI tool to write and implement real-world source code examples and build your own applications and python projects.

Start Learning "Master in Python Language Quickly Using the ChatGPT Open AI"

Throughout the course, you will work with real-world examples, including working with data types, control statements, and building an interactive inheritance program. The course covers the most important Python coding steps, such as Basic, Object Oriented Programming, and Games, to help you process, and analyze coding.

By the end of the course, you will have a solid understanding of Python programming and be able to build your own applications with confidence.

Key topics covered in the course include:

Introduction to ChatGPT Open AI chatbot tool and its usage

Introduction to Python and its syntax

Variables, data types, and control structures

Functions, and modules

Data validations and try catch coding

Solid understanding of Object Oriented Programming

Building inheritance and polymorphism concepts

Creating Encapsulation module code

This course is perfect for anyone who wants to learn Python, including those with no prior programming experience. Whether you're a student, data analyst, or software developer, this course will help you gain a strong foundation in Python programming.

By the end of this course, you will be fluent in Python course and ready to work with any python application you can dream of.

        Sign up today, and look forward to:

        HD Video Lectures

        Python Challenges and Exercises

        Lovely real-world dynamic examples

About Your Instructor

Sekhar Metla is a software engineer with 20+ years of professional experience. He is the author of several online-selling courses with more than 40,000+ students in many countries. He has a Master of Science in Computer Applications in Software Engineering. His students describe him as passionate, pragmatic, and motivational in his teaching.

Enroll now to join the world of Python programming and start building your own applications today!


■ 서울대 출신 AI캠프 운영자가 진행하는 강의입니다. 파이썬을 마스터해보세요!

■ 강사 이력:

- 서울대 졸업

- 전 실리콘 밸리 파이썬, c++ 개발자

- IT 기업에 특화된 파이썬 속성 교육 과정

- 현 미국 탑스쿨 로봇공학 대학원 과정

- 다년간 진행한 컴퓨터공학 강의력

■ 유튜브에 "파이썬 코딩 무료 강의 (서울대 AI캠프 운영진) - 8시간 뒤면 개발자로 시작합니다 [메타코드]"를 검색해보세요 :)

■ 파이썬 설치부터 기본 문법 학습, 나아가 라이브러리 활용 프로그래밍까지 파이썬을 자유자재로 다룰 수 있는 방법 자체를 학습합니다. 파이썬 문법, 그리고 컴퓨터 프로그래밍이 무엇인지에 대한 이해를 바탕으로 기초 문법과 활용 방법에 대해서 탄탄한 지식을 쌓을 수 있습니다. 파이썬을 통해서 내가 무엇을 해결하고 싶은지 생각하고 강의를 수강한다면, 본인에게 필요한 능력을 충분히 갖출 수 있을 것입니다.


■ 서울대 출신 AI캠프 운영자가 진행하는 강의입니다. 파이썬을 마스터해보세요!

■ 강사 이력:

- 서울대 졸업

- 전 실리콘 밸리 파이썬, c++ 개발자

- IT 기업에 특화된 파이썬 속성 교육 과정

- 현 미국 탑스쿨 로봇공학 대학원 과정

- 다년간 진행한 컴퓨터공학 강의력

■ 유튜브에 "파이썬 코딩 무료 강의 (서울대 AI캠프 운영진) - 8시간 뒤면 개발자로 시작합니다 [메타코드]"를 검색해보세요 :)

■ 파이썬 설치부터 기본 문법 학습, 나아가 라이브러리 활용 프로그래밍까지 파이썬을 자유자재로 다룰 수 있는 방법 자체를 학습합니다. 파이썬 문법, 그리고 컴퓨터 프로그래밍이 무엇인지에 대한 이해를 바탕으로 기초 문법과 활용 방법에 대해서 탄탄한 지식을 쌓을 수 있습니다. 파이썬을 통해서 내가 무엇을 해결하고 싶은지 생각하고 강의를 수강한다면, 본인에게 필요한 능력을 충분히 갖출 수 있을 것입니다.


This course is Everything you will ever need to Master every detail of Python.

Are you looking to master Python from Basics all the way to Any Software Idea that comes up to your mind?

Then this is the right course for you. Because you will not only learn the basics of the language, but you will learn about all the other python supported packages along tens of Hands-On-Projects!


Pygame RPG Game Design From Scratch was added (With Object Oriented Pattern Design).


Web Scraping using Beautiful Soup and Selenium was added . Including Advanced Debugging Techniques.


Flutter For Python section was added (UI Web/Desktop Design).


SQL And Relational Databases was added (DB Basics and SQLAlchemy ). With simplified Social media project.

Let this list of covered Topics give you an Idea:

1 Python Strings and RNG
2  Conditional Statements
3 Lists and Bundle Storage
4 Finite State Machines with Python
5  Loops
6 Functions
7 Dictionaries
8  Exceptions and Crash Handling
9 Python Built-In Functions
10 Python Object Oriented Programming
11 Decorators
12 Handling text Files
13 Handling  Compressed Files
14 Data Plotting with Matplotlib
15 Directory Management.
16 Command Line Based Applications
17 Numpy and Math
18 Image Processing With OpenCV
19 Video Processing
20 Object Tracking
21 Pandas And Tabular Data
22 Python GUI Based Apps
23 Converting Python to Stand-Alone Software
24 Recommender Systems with Netflix
25 OCR and Image to Text Conversion
26 Python Data Analysis Breakdown
27 Artificial Data Generation
28  Python Machine Learning Breakdown
29 Features Engineering
30 Seaborn for Data Visualization
31 Gaussian Naive Bayes
32 Principal Component Analysis (PCA) 
33 Linear Regression 
34 Polynomial Regression 
35 K-means Clustering 
36 Support Vector Machine (SVM) 
37 Linear Discriminate Analysis (LDA) 
38  t-SNE 
39 Hierarchical Clustering 
40 Time Series Analysis 
41 Decision Trees
42 Random Forests
43 Reinforcement Learning
44 Natural Language Processing (NLP)
45 Building A Messages and Emails Spam FIlter
46 Market Segmentation
47 Analyzing House Pricing
48. Deep learning Breakdown
49  Artificial Neural Networks
50 Image Classification
51 Convultional Neural Networks
52 Automating Accountant Job
53. Building Web Apps
54 Flutter For Python Using Flet
55 Python SQL and Relational Databases (Using SQLAlchemy)
56. Pygame and RPG Advanced Game Development

And more

See all of those concepts? Do you know the amount of people suffering to understand concepts like Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Data Analysis? it is actually very large. But this won't be the case if you take this course!
They will be broken down to very simple terms,
Like explaining to a 5 years old how algorithms works!

Start now an lay a job in one of the hottest Programming language in the market now!

Because of the high diversity of topics in this course, this will be the only Python Course you will need to build any Python Software.

Plus I will be you mentor, so you can ask me any question any time and I will be more than happy to guide you through!


This course is Everything you will ever need to Master every detail of Python.

Are you looking to master Python from Basics all the way to Any Software Idea that comes up to your mind?

Then this is the right course for you. Because you will not only learn the basics of the language, but you will learn about all the other python supported packages along tens of Hands-On-Projects!


Pygame RPG Game Design From Scratch was added (With Object Oriented Pattern Design).


Web Scraping using Beautiful Soup and Selenium was added . Including Advanced Debugging Techniques.


Flutter For Python section was added (UI Web/Desktop Design).


SQL And Relational Databases was added (DB Basics and SQLAlchemy ). With simplified Social media project.

Let this list of covered Topics give you an Idea:

1 Python Strings and RNG
2  Conditional Statements
3 Lists and Bundle Storage
4 Finite State Machines with Python
5  Loops
6 Functions
7 Dictionaries
8  Exceptions and Crash Handling
9 Python Built-In Functions
10 Python Object Oriented Programming
11 Decorators
12 Handling text Files
13 Handling  Compressed Files
14 Data Plotting with Matplotlib
15 Directory Management.
16 Command Line Based Applications
17 Numpy and Math
18 Image Processing With OpenCV
19 Video Processing
20 Object Tracking
21 Pandas And Tabular Data
22 Python GUI Based Apps
23 Converting Python to Stand-Alone Software
24 Recommender Systems with Netflix
25 OCR and Image to Text Conversion
26 Python Data Analysis Breakdown
27 Artificial Data Generation
28  Python Machine Learning Breakdown
29 Features Engineering
30 Seaborn for Data Visualization
31 Gaussian Naive Bayes
32 Principal Component Analysis (PCA) 
33 Linear Regression 
34 Polynomial Regression 
35 K-means Clustering 
36 Support Vector Machine (SVM) 
37 Linear Discriminate Analysis (LDA) 
38  t-SNE 
39 Hierarchical Clustering 
40 Time Series Analysis 
41 Decision Trees
42 Random Forests
43 Reinforcement Learning
44 Natural Language Processing (NLP)
45 Building A Messages and Emails Spam FIlter
46 Market Segmentation
47 Analyzing House Pricing
48. Deep learning Breakdown
49  Artificial Neural Networks
50 Image Classification
51 Convultional Neural Networks
52 Automating Accountant Job
53. Building Web Apps
54 Flutter For Python Using Flet
55 Python SQL and Relational Databases (Using SQLAlchemy)
56. Pygame and RPG Advanced Game Development

And more

See all of those concepts? Do you know the amount of people suffering to understand concepts like Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Data Analysis? it is actually very large. But this won't be the case if you take this course!
They will be broken down to very simple terms,
Like explaining to a 5 years old how algorithms works!

Start now an lay a job in one of the hottest Programming language in the market now!

Because of the high diversity of topics in this course, this will be the only Python Course you will need to build any Python Software.

Plus I will be you mentor, so you can ask me any question any time and I will be more than happy to guide you through!


Have you ever wanted to build your own online multiplayer game that you and your friends could play?  How about wanting to build your own chat room like the golden AOL chat rooms from the 1990's that you and your friends could "hang out" it.  Want to learn the underlying principles of how programs like these work - how they can communicate and send data back and forth from one computer to the next over the internet?  If the answer is yes, then please consider taking this course!

I know in my own journey with Python and computer science, once I got past the basics...the fundamentals...the whole "this is a for loop.  Can you print the first 100 even numbers?" type exercises, the doors really opened up.  There was only one problem:  the doors opened up to a HUGE space, with very little guidance.  Python is great because you can do so much with it, especially when you start to bring in new modules and libraries that give added functionality.  While there are ample beginner resources out there willing to hold your hand and guide you through the learning, I felt there were significantly less targeting this intermediate audience...The audience that has learned the basics and are now looking for something more...

In this course, I decided to focus my intermediate projects around networking applications; I wanted to write programs that could talk to each other online, both across my local area network and across the internet as a whole.  With this in mind, I asked myself what are some fun and engaging projects students would enjoy learning with and what external modules and libraries should we know to accomplish these projects.   In this course we will complete the following:

  • A two-way terminal based chat introducing the socket module

  • A terminal based chat room introducing the threading module

  • A GUI chat room introducing the Tkinter module

  • How to configure your router to allow communication from an external network

  • An advanced GUI chat room with admin window introducing the json/pickle modules

  • An online multiplayer game introducing the Pygame module

Each project builds on the knowledge gained during the previous projects.  In our culminating project, when we attempt to create our own online multiplayer game, we will be generating IPV4/TCP sockets to connect computers to a server running on a machine with a static IP and port forwarding enabled, creating various threads to run processes concurrently on our machines, we'll use json to serialize python objects such as our game state and game players, and have a full interactive GUI interface using Pygame.

By the end of this course you will have multiple projects you can share with friends or family, have them run a client script from their house, connect to your server script, and show off all you learned. 


Have you ever wanted to build your own online multiplayer game that you and your friends could play?  How about wanting to build your own chat room like the golden AOL chat rooms from the 1990's that you and your friends could "hang out" it.  Want to learn the underlying principles of how programs like these work - how they can communicate and send data back and forth from one computer to the next over the internet?  If the answer is yes, then please consider taking this course!

I know in my own journey with Python and computer science, once I got past the basics...the fundamentals...the whole "this is a for loop.  Can you print the first 100 even numbers?" type exercises, the doors really opened up.  There was only one problem:  the doors opened up to a HUGE space, with very little guidance.  Python is great because you can do so much with it, especially when you start to bring in new modules and libraries that give added functionality.  While there are ample beginner resources out there willing to hold your hand and guide you through the learning, I felt there were significantly less targeting this intermediate audience...The audience that has learned the basics and are now looking for something more...

In this course, I decided to focus my intermediate projects around networking applications; I wanted to write programs that could talk to each other online, both across my local area network and across the internet as a whole.  With this in mind, I asked myself what are some fun and engaging projects students would enjoy learning with and what external modules and libraries should we know to accomplish these projects.   In this course we will complete the following:

  • A two-way terminal based chat introducing the socket module

  • A terminal based chat room introducing the threading module

  • A GUI chat room introducing the Tkinter module

  • How to configure your router to allow communication from an external network

  • An advanced GUI chat room with admin window introducing the json/pickle modules

  • An online multiplayer game introducing the Pygame module

Each project builds on the knowledge gained during the previous projects.  In our culminating project, when we attempt to create our own online multiplayer game, we will be generating IPV4/TCP sockets to connect computers to a server running on a machine with a static IP and port forwarding enabled, creating various threads to run processes concurrently on our machines, we'll use json to serialize python objects such as our game state and game players, and have a full interactive GUI interface using Pygame.

By the end of this course you will have multiple projects you can share with friends or family, have them run a client script from their house, connect to your server script, and show off all you learned.